Monday, September 6, 2010

Ansel Adams Inspired Photography: A New Look Into Yosemite

This is actually in Taos, New Mexico, but it is still inspired by Ansel Adams.

I used the same editing technique for all of these pictures in Photoshop. I adjusted the levels first, then copied the background layer and changed it to black and white with 85% opacity. Finally I added a bluish-white layer with 5% opacity that gives it a silvery look to it as though it was taken on silver film. Ansel Adams is without a doubt one of the best Nature Photographers who ever lived and that is why I love his work. Not only did create beautiful art, but he stood for the conservation and preservation of wildlife and our land. He taught others about the importance of conservation and why we need to care for our lands. One reason is it will not be here forever, so we need to take care of it as best we can so the newer generations will be able to enjoy it as much or better than we do. Otherwise, we are only  robbing our children.

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